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Crochet Sunflower Bouquet

Crochet Sunflower Bouquet


Why buy real flower bouquets which die in a few days when you can have everlasting crochet flowers?

Enhance your space with our exquisite crocheted flowers collection! Handcrafted with care, our vibrant blooms bring a touch of everlasting beauty to any room. Perfect for decorations, gifts, or DIY projects, our crochet flowers add a unique and charming touch to your home decor. Shop now and brighten up your surroundings with timeless elegance!


Included in this bouquet:

Single/Double Sunflower (as per your selection)

Jute Wrap

  • Material & Dimension

    Acrylic Yarn, Metal Wire for Stick

    Length of each flower- 30 cm (approximately)

  • Care instructions

    Hand wash preferred. Soak in room temperature water and don't scrub vigorously. Air dry in the sun.

  • Return & Exchange

    As each product is made to order, we don't have a return or exchange policy.

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